69 miles
After the rain and cold weather in Glacier N.P., we lucked out again today in Standford. It was cool when we got up. Ken and Nancy treated us again to breakfast at the cafe in Stanford.
I returned to the motel after breakfast to help Ken break down the tents and load the trailer. Then I got on the road around 7 :30 a.m.
We headed eastbound on Hwys. 200/89. I caught up with a few riders on the way to Eddie's Corner, our snack stop. Tom was already there when I arrived and said he'd like to stop briefly and then start riding again since we have heard this area gets a lot of wind later in the day.
Looking to the east toward Eddies Corner
Tom and I headed south on Hwy 191 toward Judith Gap. We were counting on checking out their famous milk shakes. As we got closer to town there was construction on the road so we had to take a detour on an unpaved road and narrowly missed the milk shake store. The road turned muddy since they were spraying it with water and when Tom stopped near me I saw that he got pasted with mud.
Tim had set up the trailer in an area near the detour by some water tanks so everyone could see him despite all the construction going on.
After my typical lunch of ham or turkey sandwich with grape juice and a cheese stick I hit the road again. As I passed the wind mill area I noticed the blades were not turning. The wind was very slight so nothing was turning.
Both Tom and I arrived at the Federated Church in Harowtown around 2 p.m. No wi-fi around so I headed to the public library down the street where I saw Tim, Susie, and Greg also using computers. As we walked back from the library Tom, Tim, and I talked with some guys on Harleys traveling around the country. They were trying to decide to stay here the night or go south.
Later in the evening Ed and I walked around this little town but there wasn't much going on. We saw a few buildings built many years ago when perhaps things were livelier.
Panorama of the low central Montana
Windmills in the area of Judith Gap but no wind today
We were lucky as this area is usually windy
My odometer hit 1000 miles even though I actually have 35 more miles since I took off the bike comp. over Logan Pass
Entering Harowton at 2 p.m.
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