65 miles
Our first ride in Michigan was great. I was pleasantly surprised at the beauty of Michigan once we started riding this morning.
We headed south from our hotel in Ludington and entered a nice country road with up scale houses called the Pere Marguette Hwy. A lot of these homes faced west overlooking Lake Michigan. The scenery and riding were very nice.
Tom, Susan and Ziva on the Pere Marguette Hwy
Our first town we crossed was Pentwater which is near a nice lake. Again this appeared to be an affluent area. Then we got on the Hart-Montague bike trail which was probably one of the nicest bike trail I've been on. Although we only got to be on it about 12 miles, we seemed to enjoy ever minute of it. Our lunch stop was at the tail end of the trail near a creamery called the Country Dairy.
Pentwater Lake
Entering Pentwather, Michigan
After lunch we jumped on a busier highway called M-20. Fortunately there was a shoulder with no rumble strips.
Then when we got to Hesperia we turned east toward Fremont. By now it was very humid and at least riding made it seem a little cooler since the air was moving around us.
We got to Fremont by 1:30 p.m. This is the home of Gerber baby food. The population seems about 10,000.
The folks at the church brought dishes for dinner. We hooked up the shower cabana in a large garage area and it was still pretty humid. In the afternoon I sat and talked with the minister of the church about traveling around the U.S. He seemed like a pretty interesting guy.
Ed and I found upstairs rooms with thick carpet to sleep. I opened the windows in the room I was staying in and had a nice breeze at night.
Ziva having a good laugh after seeing her first tank since her injury
These guys had very long horns
Riding on the Hart-Montague Trail
Saw this along the side of Hwy M20
Entering Fremont, Michigan home of Gerber baby food
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